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A Special story  for the readers

Tiffany's Story

Tiffany Nichole Morris

7/10/1989 – 11/1/2011


Tiffany was so full of life; she lived as we all should, with God in her heart, compassion for others and the most beautiful smile you’ve ever seen.  Tiffany was a loyal friend and an amazing daughter and sister.  She loved music, shoes (of course), making people laugh, her family, friends and fellowship.


Tiffany put herself through cosmetology school, working two part time jobs and going to school full time, six days a week.  The most independent young woman I knew.


She was so excited about going to a Halloween party with her boyfriend.  I remember her talking about ordering her costume; finding shoes, make up, hair and so on.  She worked hard and was ready for a weekend of relaxation.  The party was October 29th a Saturday night.  The morning of the 30th, her boyfriend realized she wasn’t breathing; he immediately called 911 and started CPR. The paramedics were there quickly and got her heartbeat back; she was rushed to the nearest hospital and quickly moved to a hospital that had the necessary equipment needed for her condition. 


Seeing Tiffany in an ICU with all the tubes and wires, we quickly realized she was on life support, only her heart worked without support.  The doctors thought her condition was caused from aspiration, thinking she possibly drank too much and vomit had gotten lodged while sleeping, causing loss of oxygen to the brain.  At this point I was told her brain was swelling and there was no activity.  Tiffany was brain dead; the doctors said there was no hope. 


The next step was a breathing test, they would turn off the oxygen and if Tiffany could breathe on her own, there would still be a chance.  Well, we didn’t lose hope for her, we started a prayer request (via Facebook) the morning of this test, there were about a thousand people (or more) praying for a miracle for Tiffany.  I was in her room along with her pastor waiting for our miracle.  .  .  I fully expected my strong willed daughter to take that breath and we would soon be home, all I could picture was seeing her beautiful smile once again.  One of the most difficult things I have ever had to do was going out into that waiting room to tell family and friends that we lost our Tiffany.  She just couldn’t do it on her own.  Two doctors had to agree that she was legally brain dead before they would turn off life support, and so it was.


If you think that YOUR life or only ONE person’s life doesn’t matter, think again.


Tiffany’s service was held on November 8th, there were over 300 people at her service.  As a mother I was touched to see how many people Tiffany’s life affected. Not only was she loved by so many, she also donated her major organs and helped save the lives of six people. 


And so, all this time we thought Tiffany lost her life due to her aspirating.  Three months later the Medical Examiner’s office called me.  Tiffany’s official cause of death was Methylone Intoxication, due to a designer drug called “Explosion”.  This drug apparently has similar effects to Ecstasy, Tiffany was not a drug user but she and her boyfriend had decided to try what they were lead to believe was ecstasy. A fatal decision for my daughter!  No one else at the party had any issues, “something in this drug caused Tiffany’s organs to shut down”, is what the medical examiner said. Every time you “try” an illegal drug, you’re taking a chance, there’s a reason it’s illegal.   Just don’t do it!


Tiffany, We will miss you always and love you forever,


Love Mom, Brooke & Kyle

Story for the Readers and Viewers

Frank's Story


Hi, my name is Frank Perkowski. In 1977 I was diagnosed with an Astrocytoma Brain Tumor. I was experiencing severe headaches, dizzy spells and double vision. After numerous tests and eye surgery, which didn’t help at all, a neurologist informed of a new Cat-Scan which would obtain better images than the tests in the past.


The new Cat-Scan showed some abnormalities of the brain. A biopsy was done on the Astrocytoma-stem of the brain. The surgeon was unable to completely remove the tumor. A Shunt was put in place to help ventricles drain.  I was due to start radiation immediately, unfortunately, life had other plans for me. Parts of the shunt were either being rejected by body or basically giving me infections, which meant more surgery.  Thank you God! Shunts are now working properly.


Because of the Radiation treatments, I have no hair on sides of head by my ears. I also suffer memory loss and have problems with my equilibrium-(loss of balance). I must admit, I have come along way in 34 years.


The doctors gave me a life expectancy of approximately 5 years, probably would never father a child. This scenario could break any person, let alone a couple.  35 years later,

we are a stronger, closer, compassionate fun loving couple, with 2 healthy, happy children and 3- healthy happy grandchildren. Although the headaches are a lot better than before, we are still dealing with the side effects from all of the above.


At this stage of life, being alive to love and enjoy my family, grand kids and wonderful friends (extended family), is all one could ask for. As my wife says, we must be doing something right. Loving God, others and living life to the fullest is all that one could ask for.


God Bless!




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